Monday, November 10, 2014


Title:  Transforming Women of Color.
Topic: The transformation of women of color through the liminal phase.
My paper will focus on the theory of Liminality in accordance to liminality defined by Victor Turner.  In his research, Turner describes liminality as a period in which one lives in opposing realities. The realities that I will use in my paper, will be that of women identifying as a person of color while attempting to thrive in an opposing society.  It is in his research paper “Liminality and Communitas,”  That Turner further defines those in the liminal stage  as being “neither here nor there; they are betwixt and between the positions assigned and arrayed by law, custom, convention, and ceremony” (1969: 95). I will expand his theory of liminality by attributing it to how women of color use this liminal phase to secure a better socio economic status. I will also incorporate the theory of double bind described by Gegory Bateson. In his theory, Bateson defines double bind as an error in communication when an individual receives two opposing messages. The two opposing messages received by women of color that I will expand on will be; pressures from their kin groups to maintain their culture identity and pressures from society to transform into an identity that is normalized by a collective social consciousness.
Elevator Pitch:
            The purpose of my research paper will be to assess the issues and effects of liminality in women of color; while also incorporating other theories. Historically, women of color have had to face many hardships, as a result of being not only women, but also of color; because of this, they have also been ascribed to a low socioeconomic status. It is in my paper that I will grasp a better understanding of how women of color are able to raise their socio-economic status through a period of liminality. I will also explore how women of color are able to maintain or abandon their identity of belonging to a distinctive cultural group while desiring to be a member in an opposing culture. In the attempt to fit into society standards, the liminal phase can either positive or negative.  My paper will examine the effects of liminality in women of color, the importance of liminality, how it is maintained and supported.
References/ Bibliography:
1.      Comas-Diaz, Lillian and Greene, Beverly
                        2013 Psychological Health of Women of Color: Intersections, Challenges, and                         Opportunities: Praeger Press

2.      Gabe, Jonathan and Warner, Joanne
                        2004 Risk and Liminality in Mental Heal Social Work Health, Risk& Society 6(4)                               387-399

3.      Jospeh, Gloria I. and Lewis, Jill
                        1999 Common Differences: Conflicts in Black and White Feminist Perspectives:                                  South End Press

4.      Mendible, Myra
                        2009 From Bananas to Buttocks: The Latina Body in Popular Film and Culture:                                   University of Texas Press

5.      Rubenstein, Jeffrey
                        1992 Purim, Liminality, and Communitas. AJS Review,17(2):247-277

6.      Turner, Victor
                        1969 Liminality and Communitas. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure                            94-113, 125:30

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